Maintenance of 6.98 km part of Kabul-Kandahar highway completed

Anonymous (not verified)
سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۰/۵/۵ - ۱۳:۳۵
Maintenance of 6.98 km part of Kabul-Kandahar highway completed

Zabul: Ministry of Public Works announced the periodic maintenance and rebuilding of a 6.98-kilometer long road in the Shajoi district of Zabul province, which is a part of the Kabul-Kandahar National highway.

According to MoPW, this section of the Kabul-Kandahar highway was destroyed due to the traffic of heavy vehicles that were traveling overloaded for many years.

The Ministry added: Now, the damaged parts of the highway have been completely repaired and the barriers that were located on the way of all kinds of vehicles, have been ousted completely.

The repairing of this section of road worth more than 12 million Afghanis was contracted between the MoPW and a private construction company, which was funded by the Government of Afghanistan.

The Ministry of Public Works, in order to bring more transportation facilities nationwide, developed a specific plan to completely repair the Kabul-Kandahar highway; a national transit hub of trade between the capital Kabul and southern Afghanistan.

MoPW Media Team - Kabul

11 months ago


تازه ترین اخبار

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۳ - ۱۵:۹
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شماری از مسیر های کشور که از اثربارنده گی و لغزش کوه موقتاً بروی ترافیک مسدود گردیده بود پاک کاری و بروی ترافیک بازگردید

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یکشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۲ - ۹:۱۸
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چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱/۲۹ - ۱۱:۳۳
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